THE brian d. jones grant

In February 2020, the Directors of the Archaeological Society of Connecticut renamed the Lyent Russell Award the Brian D. Jones Grant in honor of our late friend and colleague, who served as a Connecticut State Archaeologist and as a Director of the Society until his untimely passing in 2019. This will also reduce the confusion between the Lyent Russell Award, which is a grant to researchers, and the Russell Memorial Award, which was established by Lyent Russell in memory of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Berne A. Russell, and his wife, Althea Marsh Russell. The award was to be granted in recognition of “outstanding contributions to the Archaeological Society of Connecticut.”

A committee of the Society will be accepting applications on a rolling basis for the Brian D. Jones Grant from Society members for a grant to be awarded at the Society's fall meeting. The funds up to a maximum of $1,000 are expected to be utilized within a year of the award. Preference will be given to those practicing archaeology as an avocation and/or without institutional affiliation, although no one who applies will be rejected for not meeting these criteria. Selection will also be based upon the immediacy of need, i.e., the degree to which a site is threatened and the shortness of the time frame within which research must be finished. It is also expected that once the research is finished, the results will be shared with the Society as a Bulletin or newsletter article.